Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shape Up Series: Getting Fit and Healthy for 2011

By: Finance Foodie

Happy New Year folks! Can you believe that it's already 2011??? Wow 2010 sure did fly by fast!

....BUT with the start of the new year comes... you got it...the start of new resolutions. Like every year past, my biggest problem has always been weight gain over the Christmas break, also known as the "Holiday 15".  Something about getting together with the family + yummy Southern large portioned meals + suburban life in Texas (i.e. watching movies and driving everywhere) always leaves me happy but much heavier upon my return to the North.
Chikin' & Waffles -- a Southern tradition!
This year was no different. 10 pounds heavier in a mere 2 weeks, I am determined to shed the unwanted weight THE HEALTHY WAY and get back to 130 pounds, my normal weight. Thus begins ....

Each post in this three part series will showcase different techniques I will be using to get back into fighting shape, including yummy low calories but healthy snacks, exercise tips, and maybe a healthy item giveaway or two (because I love it when my readers to join me in my journey!)

Too many chikin' & waffles!
Week One Stats
Weight: 140 lbs
Height: 5'1''
Body Fat: 25% (eeks!)

Today, I will share my exercise plan. At my peak fitness, I followed this plan below, prepared for me by a trainer at my gym. Please note that I am NOT  athletic (been an asthmatic kid my whole life) and really despise running, therefore this plan below might be a bit "novice" for you marathon rockstars out there (do feel free to adjust to meet your own fitness level!).

Day 1:  45 minutes on the elipitcal trainer, level 5
Day 2: 30 minutes on the recumbent bicycle, level 7; 30 minutes weight training using 5lb to 8lb weights
Day 3: 45 minutes on the treadmill, speed 3.5, incline 2.0
Day 4: 30 minutes on the recumbent bicycle, level 7; 30 minutes weight training using 5lb to 8lb weight
Day 5:  30 minutes on the elipitcal trainer, level 5; 20 minutes on the recumbent bicycle, level 7
Day 6 &7: Rest

Stay tuned for the next part of this SHAPE UP SERIES, where I will share my favorite diet friendly snacks that don't taste healthy and are super filling!

Congrats #2 - Erica C! 

Yoplait Light sent me a workout kit consisting of a gym bag, a reflective wrist wallet, a free cup of Yoplait Light for post-workout and a pedometer to keep me moving and motivated for this SHAPE UP SERIES, and they want to give one of my readers the same gift!
There are THREE ways to enter:
1. REQUIRED In my comments section, tell me your favorite Yoplait Light flavor or a flavor you want to try (mine is Red Velvet Cake -- cause I can have my cake, and eat it too without all the fattiness of a real red velvet!). Also, leave an email address so I can contact you if you win! 
2. Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
3. Reblog / Retweet this giveaway (leave separate comment telling me this)

This is a quickie! Contest ends Friday, January 7, 2011 at 5pm EST. Winners will be chosen via random integer generator on random.org announced on the financefoodie.com site shortly afterwards that night!

Disclosure: Yoplait Light provided me with the prize pack for giveaway.
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