Congrats #50- Vanessa
Please email financefoodie [at] gmail [dot] com with your mailing address so I can send your prize! You have 2 days (48 hours) to respond or the prize goes to alternate winners
“You got the kind of lovin' that can be so smooth …”
Welcome to Finance Foodie Presents: Pioneering Products. These series brings you the exclusive 411 at the new and cool products that have recently come into the marketplace!
“You got the kind of lovin' that can be so smooth …”
With the brutally cold and windy winter season in the Northeast, my skin has literally been battered liked fried chicken. I kid you not my readers – the constant environmental volatility (going from the skin biting winds outdoors to the moisture sucking heater filled indoors) have left me worried that my twenties are starting to fast track into my forties.
Luckily, the kind folks at Skin MD Natural felt my pain and sent me a bottle of their dermatologist recommended Shielding Lotion. Now, to be perfectly honest, I was a bit nervous about slathering on some random goop onto my skin (I have extra sensitive skin and can break out into a rash within mere seconds on contact of any foreign beauty products). However, I decided to take the plunge because, well, a lifetime of lizard like skin sounded far worse than potential hives.
WOO! Fast forward 3 weeks later and wow does my skin look awesome. My face felt soft and silky – and best of all – no acne, rash, or hives! This body universal lotion (which works on the face, hands, feet, etc) also felt really light and non-sticky when I applied it on my face – who knew that something so weightless could be so effective?!?
[Note: ill spare you the before pic…it’s not pretty!]
Now I could list all how medically advanced this product is and the scientific reasons behind why this product works, but I think the results speak a million billion times more than the fancy s’mancy medical jargon (but for all you med heads, you can read them here on the Skin MD website).
So Skin MD wants to give one lucky reader the chance to have skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom and is giving a full sized 4oz bottle of their Shielding Lotion away ($30 value).
There are FOUR ways to enter:
1. In my comments section, tell me what is you favorite winter sport (mine is figure skating!)
2. Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
3. Follow Skin MD Natural on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
3. Reblog / Retweet this giveaway (leave separate comment telling me this)
Contest ends March 10, 2010 at 5pm EST. Winners will be chosen via random integer generator on announced on the site shortly afterwards that night!