Monday, January 18, 2010

Customizable Chocoloate: Chocri Chocolate Bars

By: Finance Foodie

So the past few weeks, I'm proud to say that I've been pretty consistent about my "post-Holidays, pre-NY Fashion Week" diet plan. My meals have consisted mostly of low calories soups (thanks Progresso!) and nutrient-rich salads, I've been hitting the gym aggressively almost everyday, and I've been abstaining from alcohol (which has required more willpower than imagined). I feel healthier and stronger (and somewhat richer with all the $$ saved from dining/drinking out)!

However, any good dieter knows that moderate "splurge" items are necessary to keep oneself on track. So what's my "splurge" item you ask? Answer: Chocri Customizable Chocolate Bars!

Last month, chocri, a German chocolate house that just launched its US operation, gave me an opportunity to test drive their customizable chocolate bars. Basically, when you go to their website, you first choose a base chocolate bar (milk, dark, and white) and then add your favorite toppings from a selection of over a 100 different items (including dried fruit, nuts, and super exotic items stuff like edible gold flakes and candied flower petals). Your customized bar is then handmade in Germany and shipped to your door in a few days (You can even pick a name your bar!). All bars are made with only high quality fair trade/organic chocolates from Belgium - quality and creativity all rolled into one!

All three bars I made were awesome, but my favorite one by far (which I aptly named "A Sweet Idea") consisted of a white chocolate base topped with macadamia nuts, dried blueberries, dried cherries, dried pineapples, and finished with marzipan carrots. Not only was this bar super satisfying to my sweet tooth, it also was (somewhat) healthy with the nuts (protein), dried fruit, and marzipan carrots (ermmm...veggies).

Each bar runs about $13-15 (depending on the number of toppings) - which is NOT BAD AT ALL for a customized, innovative, and delicious piece of chocolate. So as a gift - for a friend or yourself - the chocri bar gets two thumbs (and two toes) up!

Congrats #11- Mamushi Love
Chocri has generously agreed to give one lucky reader 3 customizable bars of their own!

There are FOUR ways to enter:
1. In my comments section, go to the chocri website and tell me your favorite topping
2. Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
3. Follow chocri on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
4. Reblog / Retweet this giveaway (leave separate comment telling me this)

Contest ends January 26, 2010 at 5pm EST. Winners will be chosen via random integer generator on announced on the site shortly afterwards that night!


Devinguinn said...

My favorite topping on Chocri has to be the ground chili. Love my chocolate with some bite! I've been following this site and am so excited to it's US version to up and running!

Aisling said...

I can't decide between Orange Chocolate Drops and Organic Mint Leaves. There are so many marvelous choices, it's really hard to choose.

Unknown said...

Favorite Topping - Honey Chocolate Drops

Unknown said...

follow chocri on twitter @fullcircleadv

Unknown said...

Followed Finance Foodie on Twitter @fullcircleadv

Unknown said...

Retweeted @fullcircleadv

Mamushi Love said...

The Cappuccino Chocolate Drops would be my favorite topping.

ezmerelda said...

Milk chocolate with walnuts and toffee. Or with the strawberry yummies.


Sour cherries

Anonymous said...

Oooh white chocolate with apricots and honey chocolate dots.

Anonymous said...

I follow chocri on twitter

Anonymous said...


ky2here said...

Let's go with honey chocolate drops.

ky2here said...

Following financefoodie1 on twitter as ky2here1.

ky2here said...

Following chocridotcom on twitter as ky2here1.

ky2here said...

Here's my tweet:

Anonymous said...

i would pick Dark Chocolate with pinenuts, Tart Dried Cherries and Dried

Suburban prep said...

I would love more chocolate with a crisp by adding Rice Crispies in Chocolate Coating
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Rucking Fad said...

My favorite topping is the Caramel Chocolate Drops! Mmmmm!!!

Amber said...

My favorite topping would have to be goji berries!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

iluv2blog said...

I think my favorite would be the Caramel Chocolate Drops.

iluv2blog said...

I follow Finance Foodie

iluv2blog said...

I follow Chocri

Melissa said...

My favorite topping would be gummy bears!

xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (Dot) com

Stephanie said...

Marzipan Rose is my fave
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My chocolate bar would contain: dark chocolate, straweberries, pecans , and mini marshmellows.

I follow u and chocri on twitter!

Danielle Waldo said...

My favorite would be cranberrys. But honestly i would like to try Real Gold Flakes would be interesting and a new experience.

waitressdani (AT)
hotmail (DOT) com

mar said...

Caramel Chocolate Drops is my favorite topping!

theolotto said...

I enjoy cashews with my chocolate.

tigger2lee said...

Mmm the mint sounds great and you could make a Valentine creation! I like how you can enter a code to re-order your creation, whew less work for more!

julis55 said...

Sour cherries

David Johnson said...

Pear would be interesting to try, thanks.

sweepmom said...

My favorite topping is coconut (I wish they would also offer toasted coconut).

clynsg said...

If have to pick just one, it would be macadamia nuts. And I like your thinking--marzipan carrots as vegetable!

clynsg at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite topping would be orange chocolate drops. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...


DEBIJOT said...

caramel chocolate drops would be my topping.

DEBIJOT said...

follow you on twitter - debijot

DEBIJOT said...

follow chocri on twitter - debijot

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, this is awesome! I think I may have found a new favorite website ;) I love love love that you can put gummy bears in the chocolate bar, how fun! Any kid would love this...I'm an adult, and even I do! ;)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter (lipstickncandy)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow Chocri on Twitter (lipstickncandy)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted the giveaway:

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Jess said...

coconut and sour cherries YUM!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

the gummy bears sound great.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i follow you on twitter: @shootingstarmag

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Pete and Sarah Nell said...

I must say I was a bit disappointed to see that lavender was not on Chocri's possible flavors list when I went to their website. Lavender infused chocolate is my favorite! However, I guess they makeup for it with their "Flower Mix." This reminds me of birthday cakes as a little girl where mom and I would candy flowers to decorate my cake. For the memories and awesome taste, I would totally choose Flower Mix. -Sarah Nell

Anonymous said...

My favorite topping is the Caramel Chocolate Drops.

mogrill said...

Honey Chocolate drops sound tasty. Thanks for the chance.

Kiara said...

My favorite topping is the Strawberries.

llinda29 said...

My fave is Orange

Divyan said...

My fav would have to be milk chocolate with macadamia nuts, strawberries, blueberries, real gold flakes and peanuts. Mmmmmmmm can't wait to get my bars!!! :)

Shehzad said...

favorite topping is definitely orange chocolate drops

Unknown said...

following chocri on twitter - dusty2502

GANDORF57 said...

Milk chocolate with walnuts!

bananastauce said...

yum...i like sour cherries and hazelnut brittle. craving chocri now!

Unknown said...

Ground chili! Chili and chocolate seems like an odd combo but it's actually really good.

sksweeps said...

I'm going for one that you already mentioned... the marzipan carrots! I adore marzipan! It was followed very closely by the marzipan rose and then the lemon chocolate drops!

Nicole said...

I like the strawberry topping! said...

I Like the Orange Chocolate Drops and pecans.

spike said...


msrodeobrat said...

cappucino chocolate drops are my favorite!

Pretty Shiny Sparkly said...

Girl I am ALL about the macadamia nuts!

I've got two giveaways up that you should enter on PSS!

thanks girl!

Pretty Shiny Sparkly said...

following you on twitter! @prttyshnysprkly

Stoner said...

Edible gold flakes!

Sparky said...

The Ultimate Nut Bar

Anonymous said...

It entirely this is the best idea EVER!
I want a dark chocolate bar with dried cherries, sea salt, toasted hazelnuts, and toffee.


Unknown said...

My favorite topping would be the Brazil Nuts.

Unknown said...

Twitter name: marskiel, following chocri

Unknown said...

@marskiel, following Finance Foodie on Twitter. : )

Unknown said...

@marskiel Retweeted the contest. : )

Anonymous said...

My favorite topping is Pecans :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Following chocri on Twitter

Anonymous said...


Food Makes Fun Fuel said...

The marzipan carrots!

Joe Mack said...

Too many choices, but, love walnut.

Derk Thomas said...

Your soy bacon sounds interesting.

kimbo1970 said...

I liked the smiley heart shape (female).

Karen P said...

mmm date bits

ShelbyRose said...

my favourite topping would be the Rice Crispies in Chocolate Coating! mmmmmmm

terri142 said...

Hard to choose just one favorite but I will go with Macadamia Nuts.

terri142 said...

I follow financefoodie1 on twitter.(terri142)

terri142 said...

I follow Chocri on twitter.(terri142)

terri142 said...


Jake said...

I liked the Mini Cookies

Meet the Browns said...

My favorite topping would be raisins!


Bea Watson said...

I love peanuts! I love all nuts really in my chocolate though.
Also Twitter follower! gutterabbit!
Thanks for the great giveway!

Anonymous said...

I like my lemon chocolate drops.

Anonymous said...

Marzipan carrots all the way!!! I call my boyfriend hare and he calls me bunny. What could be more perfect? I've never seen anything so cute before!

Anonymous said... favorite topping is the pecans..I just love 'em.
Thanks for the giveaway,

Becca said...

The mini cookies topping looks great, thanks! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

Becca said...

I tweeted at

erma said...

I like the Orange Chocolate Drops.

Melodic Mom said...

My favorite topping is the Caramel Chocolate Drops. I'm surprised they don't offer Peanut Butter Drops though. Those would be my favorite.

Melodic Mom said...

I follow Chocri on twitter as MelodicMom.

Melodic Mom said...

I tweeted:

KowgirlsRule said...

My favorite topping would be cashews. I love cashews, especially in chocolate. YUM!

KowgirlsRule said...

I follow Chocri on twitter @kowgirlsrule

Molly K said...

I think my favorite topping would be Hazelnut Brittle.

Molly K said...

I follow you on twitter as tomandmollyk

Molly K said...

I follow chocri on twitter as tomandmollyk

Molly K said...


Anonymous said...

I think I would like ginger and walnuts. Thanks.


csue said...

I would like dark chocolate with cashews, macadamia nuts, and, yes , I'd love to try some of those edible gold flakes!

Suzanne said...

My goodness this looks delicious! I like the Caramel Chocolate Drops. Thanks for the great contest!

Anonymous said...

Coconut is my fav topping!

Delaney said...

I would get the nut special

Annemarie said...

My favorite topping would be Cashews!


Unknown said...

Dark chocolate with cappucino chocolate drops.

Birdie S. said...

My fav topping would be the Rasberries

Ali said...

My favorite topping would be crystallized violets, how decadent!

susan1215 said...

My favorite topping is toffee

Storm Safety Blog said...

Can I only have one favorite topping? Because I like pecans and sour cherries equally.

Sand said...

My favorite topping are the blueberries.

Crystal F said...

The Honey Chocolate Drops sound good. Thank you!

Mom Union said...

My fave topping is roasted almonds

Mom Union said...

Following Finance Foodie on twitter: momunion

Mom Union said...

Following chocri on twitter: momunion

Mom Union said...


Deb K said...

My favorite topping on Chocri is the Roasted Almonds


packerfantimmy said...

I know my son would love the gummy bears the best.

packerfantimmy said...

financefoodie1 twitter follower-packerfantimmy

packerfantimmy said...

chocridotcom twitter follower-packerfantimmy

packerfantimmy said...

I tweeted this...

Anonymous said...

My favorite topping on Chocri has got to be Cornflakes!


Anonymous said...

I follow Finance Foodie on Twitter @Rx2Mama


Anonymous said...

I follow Chocri on Twitter @Rx2Mama


Anonymous said...

I tweeted your giveaway @Rx2Mama


Angela G said...

My favorite topping has to be the mango cubes. Yummy!

Angela G said...

I follow Finance Foodie on twitter ag1414

Angela G said...

I follow Chocri on twitter (ag1414)

Angela G said...

I tweeted:

kakihara said...

I know it's silly but my favorite topping would be the Cinnamon--Lindt usually makes a chocolate cinnamon bar at Christmas that I couldn't find this year. Chocolate & cinnamon are Goooood together!!!

Anonymous said...

These looks fabulous. I would choose the milk chocolate and my first choice of a topping would be Strawberry, my favorite.

May Schultz

susansmoaks said...

my favorite topping is strawberries

susansmoaks said...

following chocri on twitter @mrstls

Jeri said...

They all look wonderful. Follow Finance Foodie on twitter

Anonymous said...

Peanuts is my favorite topping.

Bebe said...

I would love to try the Ultimate Nut Chocri!

prizehound7 said...

My favorite topping is sea salt!

Anonymous said...

The strawberry chocolate drops look like a great topping :)
Amanda Barnes

dreamcleavers said...
i would go with cranberries

dreamcleavers said...
follow chocri on twitter

dreamcleavers said...
follow finance foodie on twitter

Kathy P said...

my favorite topping would be the Macadamia Nuts

Kathy P said...

following ff on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said...

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

My favorite topping would be walnuts and pecans.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter as kngmckellar

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Follow chocri on Twitter as kngmckellar

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


ladcraig said...

I absolutely love pecans.

ladcraig at gmail dot com

js22 said...

ooh, the Ginger would be great!

Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

ladcraig said...

follow you on twitter (ladcraig)

ladcraig at gmail dot com

js22 said...


email in blogger profile.

ladcraig said...

follow chocri on twitter (ladcraig)

js22 said...

i follow chocri on twitter - js22222222 .
email in blogger profile.

ladcraig said...


Sarah G. said...

I like the Marzipan Rose

/\Heather/\ said...

Okay, I'm putting Candied Lilac down, but the BACON topping intrigues me.

/\Heather/\ said...

Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter - choochoo428

/\Heather/\ said...

Follow chocri on Twitter - choochoo428

/\Heather/\ said...

I retweeted your tweet about this giveaway - choochoo428

lilyk said...

My favorite topping is Macadamia Nuts.

Unknown said...

These sound so yum. My favorite topping is the Toasted hazlenuts but there are many others that caught my eye.
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow your on twitter @Macmomof3
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow Chocri on Twitter @Macmomof3

Unknown said...

Tweeted here

liliesrnice said...

my favorite topping is the hazelnut brittle! yum

cman said...

Oreo cookies :)

Jennifer said...

I really want to try the gummy bears!


Betty C said...

My favorite topping would have to be pecans. They (and almonds) are my favorite snack food.

Betty C said...

I follow on Twitter as willitara.

Betty C said...

I follow Chocri on Twitter as willitara.

07violet said...

Ground Coffee Beans

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Betty C said...


07violet said...

following chocri on twitter (07violet)

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Julie Donahue said...

Not copying the person above me, but I LOVE the idea of hazelnut brittle. I would skip the fruits though.
juliesweeps at

Julie Donahue said...

Following you on Twitter (mom2ways)

Julie Donahue said...

Following sponsor of Twitter (Mom2Ways)

arla said...

My favorite topping would be the coconut shavings or ginger, yumm!


arla said...

I am Following Finance Foodie on Twitter
(id- litehouse27)

Tammy said...


Tammy said...

following on twitter - @threedifferent

Tammy said...

Anonymous said...

I like the strawberry chocolate drops on white chocolate.

denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow as wiscmom24 on Twitter.

denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow chocri as wiscmom24 on twitter.

denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted.

denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

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