By: Finance Foodie
Ahhh Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York City. A week where a bevy of beautiful models, glamorous celebs, wealthy socialites, and powerful fashion editors all gather to determine "what and who" is "in or out" among the fickle world of fashion. However, one thing that is definitely not "in" is the availability of food. As you can see from the stories below, a liquid diet is de rigueur for show attendees.

Flashback: Fashion Week 2007
I was starving and about to pass out after attending shows all day with my fashionista friend. I finally spot a plate of 'Witchcraft sandwiches sitting on a table. Yes, I think to myself, the Food Gods have finally taken pity and tossed me bone.As I am about to pick up a sandwich…
Tipsy Male Fashionista (TMF): “Oh honey, I wouldn’t if I were you”
Me: “Why?”
TMF: “Those will go straight to your hips and you are not lacking there sister”
Me: “Excuse me?!?”
TMF: “Honey, in this business you gotta be fierce like a fox and hungry like a wolf”
Present Time: Fashion Week 2009
This season, due to the dismal economic situation and correlating budget cuts, I had a sneaking suspicion that even the “straight to my hips” sandwiches would not be available. However, I was interested in seeing what offerings would keep the fashionistas nourished enough to remain sassy and catty...I mean chatty. I sent Team Finance Foodie’s New York-based correspondent Anna Fang to check out the food offerings in the Tents. Here's a look at her findings:McCafe Coffee: So apparently McDonald's is now a sponsor of Fashion Week! Not in a million years would I have ever put the two and two together (I think “fatty” not “fashion” when I hear the McDonald’s name). I do love the new McCafe coffees though, and judging the by the mob at the booth, so do the fashionistas.

So there you have it: Fashion + Food = Wistful Thinking. All and all, Fashion Week is a fun and interesting experience, but I think my current two "F"s are enough for me!
I am so envious! Would love to have the opportunity to go to Fashion Week.. even if that means a liquid diet! Well in a Fashion sense... at least you had a feast of fashion to feed your eyes! ;o)
I love it finance foodie!
Ah that's disappointing to hear .... hopefully the fashion was still a hit to see. =)
Amei, está lindo! Parabéns! LOL
Wow fashion week seems intense haha. great clothes but oh the woefulness of not having food!!
Congratulations for being a Blog of Note.
congrats on making "blog of note" anyway I had never heard of a McCafe before, probably an American thing.
i like the glamor factor if it was for males i probably would have been involved, the idioms used were hilarious, like You don't need more of that sister... " you have to be fierce like a fox and hungry like a wolf" (brilliant) The desparation towards the food was hilarious, yet true in daily rituals. I think that the main part that I liked was who was going to consider you "in" was the applause-o-dometer.
McCafe is pretty good. McDonalds marketing has been great lately. Have you seen the "Four Bucks is Dumb" ad? Genious!
McCafe..yea, Its marketing is turning out to work somehow, but McPeople fell a trap to name it like that! But I like your blog. hehe.
McCafe's a big threat to Starbucks now...I'm kinda glad it's at the fashion show...
Hi finance foodie. Gr8 blog. How about I supply the finance? Check out my blog. You could give me a few hints to spice up my articles. Thanks
The raspberry truffle-tini on the menu sounds amaaaazing!
Ooh that does look amazing. Clearly the sweets are just a tease..the alcohol selection is fantastic though too!
The Raspberry Truffle-Tini doesn't look half sounds like a candy and a drink in one. It could be imagined as solid food...? Maybe?
Thanks all for comments! Working a big story for next week so stay tuned!
Dear FF---This was delicious. More, please.
Nice! really great post. thanks for share
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all that alcohol without sustenance would normally lead to copious amounts of vomit.....if anyone had anything in their stomachs to turn out! let the dry heaving begin!
I wish i could have been there for fashion week. Some of my best inspiration occur while i am there.
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McCafe coffee! I would not have expected that, ever - if that model thinks sandwiches go straight to the hips then I'd love to see how she'd react if Big Macs rolled up at NY fashion week!
awesome blog! You're sense of humour is great!
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cool blog
Glad you ignored the starvation advice. Here's to food!
That coffee looks so delish!
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McDonald's is really smart to add so many new coffee products to their menu
TMF what a douche!
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